With the recent COVID-19 outbreak, masks have become a necessity. WHO and other medical institutes suggest that a mask can reduce the spread of the virus to a great extent. Even with a variety of masks available in the market and pharmaceutical stores, people are using alternatives to substitute for a mask which may not be effective. A folded handkerchief or bandannas have large number of pores and are proven ineffective in protecting a person against the coronavirus. So whether you’re using an N95 or a surgical mask, keep in mind the following points to check it’s efficacy:
Firstly, why should you wear a Mask?
When a person is infected by coronavirus, the virus multiplies, bursts out of the cells and gets suspended into the body’s fluids, especially in the lungs, nose and mouth. When an infected person coughs, or even speaks, they send tiny virus droplets into the air.
The droplets remain suspended in the air for hours and can be breathed in by numerous people around. When these droplets settle on various surfaces (called a fomite), they can survive there for several days (the number of days depend on the material of the surface). It is because of this reason, that a good quality mask is a must so that an infected person can help stopping the spread of the virus.
Does the type of Mask matter?
Yes, it does. Different types of masks offer different levels of protection. There are various aspects as to the material of the fabric, it’s properties, composition, etc. that determine the suitability of a mask. In addition to that, there are other aspects like sustainability, usage, and environment impact that must also be considered.
Choice of Fabric
When choosing the fabric for a COVID-19 mask, there are several things that must be kept in mind:
1. Breathability and comfort
2. Shape and fit
3. Protection
Different types of fabrics, their pros and cons for COVID 19 masks:
➢ Woven- Woven fabrics like denim, khadi, tissue fabric, etc. might be used to create masks. These fabrics are fairly stable and won’t stretch out. However, small openings at the intersections of the yarn may make infiltration easier
➢ Knits- Knitted fabrics are comfortable and breathable, they are stretchy, and provide a good fit to the user. However, their structure can get distorted if stretched too much.
➢ Non-woven- Non-woven fabrics (like the one you see on surgical masks) are also commonly used to make masks. They have a blocking advantage depending on how densely the fabric/yarn is packed. However, these fabrics are not strong enough and may rip under extra tension.
Are home-made masks effective?
The effectiveness of a home-made mask, depends upon the type of fabric. However, even though the rate of protection of surgical masks and N95 comparatively high, there are concerns regarding availability, price, sustainability, and environmental hazards that accompany them. A good home-made mask can provide up to 95% blockage against the virus.
Apart from the choice of fabric, basic hygiene must be maintained, social distancing must be followed. If your mask is reusable, it must be washed on a regular basis. In case of non-reusable masks, they should be changed every week.
How often should the mask be washed?
One must wash a reusable mask after every use so as to reduce the risk of coronavirus. To clean the mask, use a regular laundry detergent or a hot soap water mixture. Scrub the mask for at least 20 seconds and dry it on high heat.
While wearing a mask, remember the following:
i. Avoid touching the mask.
ii. Never wear a damaged or unclean mask.
iii. Do not wear a loose mask.
iv. The nose and mouth must be covered at all times
v. Do not remove the mask in public
vi. Do not leave a used mask anywhere.
Vii. Do not remove the mask while talking to someone.